
Directors: Eric Fleitas, Luciana Garraza
Writers: Sheila Fentana, Eric Fleitas
Cast: Nayla Churruarin, Eric Fleitas, Sofia Lanaro
Genre: Horror
DVD/VOD: May 11, 2021


Described as “Mad Max Meets Natural Born Killers”, SCAVENGER takes us to a post-apocalyptic world with its own rules where Tisha (Sofia Lanaro/ALUVION, PARAISO) – a paid assassin and an underground organ dealer with a dark past – will seek revenge from a horrible crime against her family that has marked her entire life.


“This film has all the grimy ingredients of a re-energised, uber violent MAD MAX knock off meets the trash aesthetic of THE CRAMPS”
– britflicks.com

“This Argentine film has picturesque ravaged landscapes, especially when it gets out into the flatlands – and the music is excellent!”
– johnnyalucard.com

“There’s grime everywhere; our cast are all covered in muck, their clothes disheveled and in need of a wash, and everything appears broken and rundown. Scavenger attempts to be Mad Max meets I Spit on Your Grave.”
– thehollywoodnews.com

“Scavenger has strong performances throughout, with Nayla Churruarin in the leading role, needing to show endurance for certain scenes, and strength and brutality in others. When it comes to the bandits and cannibals being portrayed, they are made to believe we are seeing the very worst in the world.”
– readysteadycut.com

“Lean ‘n’ scuzzy post-apocalyptic revenge jam from Argentina that really goes for the jugular, wringing every last drop out of its paltry $10k budget. The filthy interiors are nauseously lit up in hot pink, while exterior shots utilize wide-lensed desert and salt flats under a burning blue sky to sketch a world where cannibalism is the norm and scavenging body parts the #1 trade.”
– letterboxd.com

“In SCAVENGER, every human transaction seems tied to abuse, assault or murder, and while we might regard Tisha as a feminist heroine who avenges exploitation and sticks it to the man, she too is guilty of casually killing strangers for cash. Where exactly we sit in this dispiriting hierarchy of perverts, rapists and cutthroats is open to question – but here the breakdown of society begins with the (violent) breakup of the family and ends with the meat market of unregulated capitalism.”
– projectedfigures.com